Enermax Infiniti 720W


The Enermax Infiinti 720W works fantastically despite "only" having three 12V rails. However, those 12V rails are massive, supplying a whopping 28 Amps each. To provide such power through limited rails you've got to have some good quality, low resistance wiring and PCB traces in order to minimise heat build up.

The Enermax Infiniti attained a solid power delivery in all areas throughout the test, maintaining a fully green graph. It also had an excellent efficiency and PFC of consistently above 81 percent and 97 percent respectively.

It's also really very quiet, even at 100 percent load. It's not definitively the quietest, but it certainly comes close between this, the Cooler Master and the Tagan at full load. They each sport just a single large fan that doesn't need to rotate fast to provide plenty of airflow.


It has the same healthy three year warranty as the rest of the PSUs, of which the first year is return to point of sale and the subsequent years it is sent back to CoolerGiant (Enermax UK subsidiary) in Milton Keynes.

700W to 850W PSU Group Test Enermax Infiniti 720W Results


Enermax not only provides a solid PSU, but also includes the extra features of PowerGuard and CoolGuard into the mix as well as the now essential (native) 8-pin PCI-Express connectors to really make it stand out from the rest. What also makes it stand out is the price, which at over £140 makes the Enermax an extremely expensive PSU for the rated wattage.

In one way it's hard to justify it if you just compare a list of PSUs down the page: why go for a 720W when 850Ws are the same price? Or some 1000Ws which are a third more powerful, are just £20-£30 more? Well, you still have to remember efficiency and quality of product providing something that has to last.

The unit comes across with a refined brutality, needing only three massive rails from its heart to supply the coarse looking modular connectors and serpent-esq cables sprouting from them.

Even as I draw this conclusion, I still have to keep reminding myself of all these benefits because £140 seems just a bit too much more than the competition. I rhetorically question, "do these cumulative benefits warrant the asking price" and while it still depends on your budget, your needs and what you're willing to put up with, if you want the absolute best within this range and money is less of an issue for you, then it has to be the Enermax Infiniti 720W.

Performance: 10
Features: 9
Value: 8

Overall: 9

bit-tech Recommended Award

Enermax Infiniti 720W

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